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Hip Hop


Mahiro/Mahi (she/her), a passionate dancer, is from Illinois and recently made San Francisco her home. She started her dance journey at the age of three with ballet training at Fauborg School of Ballet and went on to perform in multiple shows. Transitioning to a competitive dance team, Mahiro embraced styles like jazz, pom-dance, and kick-dance, even achieving a top 5 placement at Nationals in 2016. As a choreographer and team leader, she honed her skills, fostering collaboration and guiding fellow dancers for four years.

In college, despite the limited opportunities for dance, Mahiro found ways to continue sharing her love for dance. She choreographed and taught group dances for professional business organization competitions, raising funds for various charities. She traught peers with all varying skill levels. In 2021, she joined RAE Studios, where she reconnected with her passion and developed a new affinity for hip-hop, pop jam, and DRENCHED. She especially had a deep affection for DRENCHED because it promotes students of all skill levels who share a common desire to embrace dance for wellness. Under the mentorship of Jessica Rae, Mahiro's dedication and talent propelled her to become a DRENCHED teacher in less than half a year.

Now, Mahiro eagerly looks forward to inspiring students from diverse dance backgrounds. With each step she takes as a teacher, she aims to ignite the same passion within her students, fostering an inclusive space where they can cultivate their creative and wellness aspirations.

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